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I found some willing victims last week for snow portraits…actually they found me. I even offered to reschedule because our session was scheduled for the coldest day of winter so far. But some members had traveled from out of town so they had limited time to be together as a family. And I’m happy that […]
For 12 years, I’ve known that although I can do a quick run with friends early in the morning or maybe sit down and edit some photos or respond to emails, my day doesn’t really become my own until 9:15am when all kids are off to school. The daily routine of “the walk” begins […]
It started with a kiss…the dad planted one on the mom and the kids hid their eyes. Thus started a tradition in the annual family photo shoot. One thing I treasure about being a family photographer is the chance to watch a family grow up and share in annual traditions that include the family photos. […]
This past weekend I had the pleasure of a senior photography session for a senior boy who I have known since preschool (in fact I remember pushing my stroller around the block and introducing myself as a new mom in the neighborhood and making friends with this family who became an integral part of our […]