Senior Portrait Sessions

Your high school senior pictures should be uniquely you, finding the right senior portrait photographer to create those pictures with you is vital. My senior sessions capture that time of your life when you are first stepping out into becoming the person you know you want to be.

I create images that bring out the very best of who you are now, and give us a glimpse into the multiple facets of who you’re becoming. Your senior portrait should make you feel confident and proud of who you are today, but also stand the test of time.

Attention High School Seniors

Let's Capture this special time...

Senior year is such a special time...full of memories and special events. 

It's also a time of life decisions and important decisions. I get it. I've been there. I also think this is the most fun time to take portraits that both can document where you are from and where you are going in life. 

My number one priority as your senior photographer is to capture the excitement of this time in the life of a high school senior. Because of that, I spend the time to get to know my senior through zoom calls and pre-session information discussions. Together we talk about the vibe, the locations, the outfits and more.

Because this is YOUR session and we want it to be fun, comfortable and memorable!

I am a available for local sessions in the Northern VA/DC metro area- and able to travel beyond!

i see you...

Photography that Captures the
Real You!

More images

I offer a variety of package options to fit your marketing needs.

Contact me and we can discuss!

 Which Package is
Best for You?  


Let's chat about working together!

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Schedule a complimentary phone call with me to get started. No strings attached!